Money is energy. It's vitality. It's whatever you want it to be except anything real. It USED to be transferable for gold. It USED to represent that exact thing. Gold. And beyond "neck decoration" and human ownership (marriage), gold, has its uses. In fact, it's probably one of the most valuable things in the world. But it's a secret. I don't know that secret but it must be why money marts are buying gold from people at full price. (Not an advertisement for money mart)
Money affects us. It stresses us out, gives us power, gives us temporary freedoms and promotes slave MENTALITY. Banks don't have any money. They have the IDEA of money. The romantic portrayal of something that has no physical form. Sure, you can hold money in your hand. But at any time, all of it in the blink of an eye can mean NOTHING AT ALL! I suppose the only use would be kindling if you're one of the smart people (rare) that know how to build a fire to keep warm!
The best things in life are free because the idea of something is always better than the physicality. Thoughts and desire always out-weigh the manifestation of anything material. Love can't and will always exist. Because in its physicality it is an admitted idea.
Now there's something else that's admitted idea. An idea that everyone knows really well regardless of whether they deny its existence or not.
Now i could come flat out and tell you but that would make me a cheap writer and the furthest from what good writers really are...
Love is God. And God is Love. The same amount of people believe in it. Once again, ideas. Here's a numerological break down.
Letters are numbers in order of the alphabet.
G = 7
O = 15
D = 4
I = 9
S = 19
L = 12
O = 15
V = 22
E = 5
G+O+D+I+S = 54
L+O+V+E = 54
But what the FUCK does 54 mean!??
People worship money. They love having it. They work for it and want to collect it. when shit hits the fan everyone wants the most money they could imagine. It's a never-satisfying shit storm that tornadoes everyone in to submission holds of poverty. The fear of poverty. Of not having every thing we want.
Come on, we evolve off of each other. we are constantly validating each other off of each other. when rich people are what's glorified in the general consensus, that's what everybody strives for. we worship things that don't exist all the time! Some people worship a video game character that saves the imaginary village from the evil dark lords of imaginary happy-town.
Some people just LOVE dragons. Now of course dragons are a romantic idea of what snakes used to be before they allowed the devil to possess them, which got them kicked out of a garden to slither around on their bellies. Either that or they're the embodiment of Sean Connery's voice. Famousest lisp of all time. Fuckin immigrant.
Dragons have so much romance surrounding them that if they actually came out from where they're hiding, a stealth bomber would disintegrate them out of the sky. k? I mean if the dragons that corner the fences and sit motionless atop erect structures (that serve no purpose) suddenly came to life? we'd panic more than Fergie's management team when Perez Hilton (not spanish) lashed out at her and her black eyed penis - and cried on national.... internet.
If Dragons were real... people would stop worshiping money and the government would kill every last one of them. So they're not. Because if they were real before, said thing would have already happened and said government would still rule said people.
Time warp.
Though money doesn't exist, it's still the root of all evil. But at least it's the root. The leaves of all evil is clothes. The trunk of all evil is on dumbo.
Money is necessary, and the only thing this juvenile world can handle I guess. I mean... we haven't evolved much past Rome (ufc) or England (pollution).
So I guess I have to submit to the idea that humanity has stopped evolving. I guess I have to accept the fact, that in certain ways, we have BEEN stopped in this evolutionary process. we will continue having cars that run on crude oil though TEAMS and GENERATIONS of people have advanced technologically beyond this. we will continue being stagnant pawns in this socially retarded media soup we call Earth.
where there's money to be made, there's ethical progress to be ignored. Nikola Tesla approached the world with a technology that would supply every household across the planet with unlimited energy drawn from the ionosphere. One shot deal. One time payment. Energy forever. But great humans like that just... die mysteriously and we're back at square... "Down's syndrome."
So I guess I have to accept that money is the only tool that our global intelligence has time for. Cause what the fuck else is going to put a cut of the 'easiest animal to kill' on a pan for nutrients.
It's just sitting there eating grass. Imagine it had lasers shooting from it's eyes?...Then we'd all be vegetarians.
You know what?
Thank you for allowing me to take your time. Not enough writers have an understanding that it's the most valuable thing we as a people have to offer. Time is the true love. Time is God. And 'time' equals 47... so there.
whoa... two reverts and associations to 'already said' things.
what an ASSHOLE.
.... 3.
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